5 min readJul 25, 2022


In this article we will show how Sentinel dVPN node providers are accepting the SCRT token from the Secret Network in order to connect directly to their node using the SCRT token on the Sentinel Blockchain. We will give a step-by-step guide on how SCRT token holders can utilize IBC on COSMOS to connect to other networks on the IBC, in particular to the Sentinel Network.


The easiest way to obtain SCRT on the Sentinel DVPN Network is to head over to

And follow the next few steps:

Step 1: Connect your wallet

Step 2: IBC Transfer

Step 3: Send SCRT to the Sentinel Network

That’s it! You’ve transfered SCRT to the Sentinel Network and can begin using the SCRT DVPN node.

Now you can scroll to the bottom of this post on how to connect to DVPN Nodes using SCRT.

Method 2: Using Keplr (IBC Transfers)

Please note that this method is in beta. It is therefore recommended to use in the above method instead. This will work for any IBC token you wish to transfer to the Sentinel Network.

The tokens currently used by Sentinel dVPN nodes are ATOM, DEC, OSMO & SCRT. You can reproduce these steps for the other tokens you wish to use on Sentinel.

The first thing you will want to do is create a new Wallet using your favorite COSMOS wallet that allows IBC transfers — more about that later. We use Keplr in this guide as it was easy and successful.

Step 1: Create a Wallet and select the Sentinel Network.


You can get the DVPN token from OSMOSIS, KuCoin or Polarity. The DVPN coin is the primary resource to connect to all Sentinel dVPN Nodes, but it is not necessary as IBC transfers of ATOM, SCRT, OSMO, and DEC can be used as well as shown below.

Step 2: Open your Secret Wallet on the Secret Network in Keplr as shown below:

Obviously you’ll need some SCRT to do this since this is a guide for using a Sentinel dVPN node with the SCRT token.

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of Keplr and select IBC Transfer. If this option isn’t on the bottom of the wallet, you can turn it on in the Keplr Settings under the three lines in the upper left hand corner.

Step 4: Select “New IBC Transfer Channel” under “Destination Chain”. In the image below you’ll see we have already added the Sentinel Network to our wallet. We will guide you how to add this in the next few steps.

Step 5: You’ll be presented with the following screen. The Destination chain will be “Sentinel”, so select that.

Step 6: The Source Channel ID we have to get from Mintscan. This is the most crucial step in the process. Setting the wrong Channel ID and you will most likely lose your funds.

Click on the COSMOS and a menu will pop-up and select SECRET (follow the yellow arrows).

Step 7: Click on IBC RELAYERS and find the “Sentinel Network”. This is the relayers between Sentinel and SCRT on IBC.

Step 8: Type in the Source Channel ID into Keplr. In this case, since we are moving from SCRT to Sentinel, the channel id is “channel-3” and click SAVE

Step 9: Now it’s time to send some SCRT funds to a Sentinel wallet address via IBC Transfer. Make sure your wallet is still on the SCRT Network with coins. Go to the IBC Transfer and Select the Destination Chain as “Sentinel”. Enter in the sentinel wallet address you wish to send the SCRT tokens to and click Next. The screenshot is seen below:

Step 10: Just like sending any other token to another wallet this is very similar. Input the amount of SCRT you wish to send, leave the fee on Average and click Submit. Finalize the transaction and you will get the following in Keplr

Connect to DVPN using IBC Token with Meile

Simply run Meile by sudo meile-gui and find a dVPN node that allows IBC tokens. Here is an example of using an IBC token to subscribe to a dVPN node:

Meile IBC Token

You can find Meile for Mac OS X and Linux here:

Server side dvpn-node accepting IBC tokens:

Simply set the following parameter with whatever uSCRT you would like in your config.toml Note 1,000,000 uSCRT = 1 SCRT, so 6 decimal places.

price = "5000ibc/31FEE1A2A9F9C01113F90BD0BBCCE8FD6BBB8585FAF109A2101827DD1D5B95B8"

Here are the IBC contract address to use other IBC Tokens on Sentinel dVPN Nodes:









These are usable via μTokens i.e., 6 decimal places so


is equal to 1 OSMO.




Sentinel decentralized VPN MathNodes. Sentinel developer team. DERO Network Contributor.